Tuesday 12 July 2016

Cleaning Hacks You Need To Know

Got some tough stains you just can't get out? Your white clothes not looking so white? Clogged up drains? You have come to the right place! Here you will find all of the cleaning hacks you need to know about! 

- This is the ultimate solution to get rid of any stain that has embedded into your carpets! Mix together fairy liquid (or dawn soap if your from the states) hydrogen peroxide. This together will get up all those mucky stains in your carpets! P.S... Works wonders on mattress too.

- If the water flow from your shower isn't as pristine as it used to be, it might be in order for a good clean. The best way to do this is as follows: Mix together vinegar and water in equal amounts. Pour into a plastic bag (with no holes in... obviously) and attach it to the shower head. Leave to do its work for 20 minutes, detach, and rinse. The water should be back to its powerful self! This would also work great on your taps as well. (Check this image by The Melrose Family

- This is a natural way to declog your drains! First of all, pour down the drain some boiling hot water. Chase this with half a cup of baking soda, followed by a mix of 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of hot water.  Bubbles should appear, but when they have died down, run the hot water tap for around a minute. All of this should declog your drain of any dirt and left over residue and gunk that is in your drain!  

- The sun is a whitener! If your white items of clothing are starting to lose their sheen, a great way to brighten them without any bleach is the almighty sun. If you have left something out in the sun for too long, you may have seen its effects of changing the colour and this is exactly what you want to do to your whites. Wash your whites as usual (or even maybe with a splash of lemon juice for extra power) then instead of using a dyer- hang them out to dry. The suns rays will bleach the clothes naturally. 

- Over time your iron cooking equipment t is going to get a bit mucky. A great easy a simple way to refresh these is to grab some sea salt pour it into the iron appliances and scrub it in with a tissue. This is a simple way to return your iron appliances to their old ways. 

Those are out five cleaning hacks which you must know and add into your cleaning services. If you are in need of anything more specific, Glocal Residential and Spar Clean are always happy to help you out and fill you in with some inspirations. Leave us a comment or drop us an email! Happy cleaning! 

twitter: @glocalr
facebook: Glocalr
phone: 0121 655 5188

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